Rui Figueiredo | Dentalhow

Rui Figueiredo DDS, MS, PhD

Master degree in Oral Surgery and Implantology. Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Barcelona (Spain).

PhD. University of Barcelona (Spain). Specialist in Oral Surgery (Portugal).

Associate Professor of Oral Surgery. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Barcelona.

Coordinator of the Master degree program in Oral Surgery and Implantology. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Barcelona.

Member of the Biomedical IDIBELL Research Group.

Author of more than 65 scientific papers in impact factor journals.

More than 100 invited lectures, hands-on courses, oral presentations and scientific posters in national and international congresses.

Former member of the executive board of the Spanish Society of Oral Surgery (SECIB) (2012-2018).

Associate Editor of the journal “Medicina Oral Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal¨ (indexed in JCR) and reviewer of high impact factor journals in the Dentistry field (Journal of the American Dental Association, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Journal of Periodontology and Clinical Oral Investigations, among others).



Maxillary sinus augmentation

Rui Figueiredo